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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Two high school teachers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Two high school teachers - Essay Example gh school teachers is the same that is guiding and educating the students; despite of this, their way of teaching, giving instructions and their relationship with the students is very different. Both the teachers are excellent at their job but their methodologies of teaching differ from each other. My Maths teacher places greater emphasis on class work and ensures that all students complete the work taught in class there and then. She does not burden the students with homework. Instead, her stress is more on regularly testing the students and she conducts class tests every week. This is a method used by her to make sure that the students study at home and practice for the tests. She does not overburden the students by giving them too much of homework and conducting tests at the same time. On the other hand, my English teacher tries to spend greater time in class to explain and teach the students and answer their queries. He does not provide much work in class. But he ensures that the students are given regular homework. He does not conduct regular class tests but rather he takes monthly tests. He follows this pattern so that the students gain the maximum in class and revise the subject while doing the homework. Both the teachers try that their students gain the maximal knowledge, but their instructional goals are different; such as the student’s grade, what they would like their students to learn, and what a successful future is for the students. It is the goal of every teacher to make their students learn new things and to enhance their knowledge but their approaches vary. My English teacher focuses on helping the students improve in their weak points rather than only focusing on their strengths. He wants us to improve ourselves not just in a particular sector but to be all-rounders. According to him, our successful future depends on not just being book-worms or getting high grades but also being intellectual and smart. He expects us to have clear concepts

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