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The United States Healthcare, Nationa l Security , Essays

The United States Healthcare, Nationa l Security , and the Economy POLS210 Genius f. Tiffany Orcesi APUS May 21, 2017, Presen...

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

H.W Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

H.W - Assignment Example Key stakeholders in this case include, Merck shareholders, decision makers with regard to research and development, other individuals that suffer from debilitating conditions that further research and development by Merck might otherwise cure, and those that are or might potentially become infected with River Blindness in the future. The costs of this decision would be that a potential cure would be knowingly passed over by the decision makers at Merck. The benefits would be that other potential remedies could be developed that might otherwise positively impact upon a much larger group of stakeholders. A strict utilitarian would seek to promote the greatest utility in this particular case. As the plight of new potential research would be unknown and there is a small percentage chance of the animal drugs to work well with regard to curing or addressing River Blindness, the utilitarian would ultimately choose the River Blindness research over the other alternatives. By means of contrast and comparison, the universalist would recognize the fact that there is a larger potential for the money to more effectively be used elsewhere; thereby encouraging one to prefer to pass over the River Blindness research. One of the ways that managers can encourage stakeholders to take back injuries more seriously is to provide an emotional appeal based on the individuals that have already been injured in the line of work. Whereas the employee might not think that the employer has their best interests in mind, by showing that the health, happiness, and safety of the employees is something that effects everyone is something that can be done as a means of engaging a further level of understanding throughout the firm. Advanced appreciation would be one extremely useful technique that the professor could use as a function of engaging participation.

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