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The United States Healthcare, Nationa l Security , Essays

The United States Healthcare, Nationa l Security , and the Economy POLS210 Genius f. Tiffany Orcesi APUS May 21, 2017, Presen...

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Essay --

The Triangle of Death, The Limbo of the Lost, The Twilight Zone, The Port of Missing Ships, The Devil’s Triangle, The Hoodoo Sea, The Deadly Triangle. These and many more are names for the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle has been a huge mystery to many since the early 1900's. The Triangle is an area located in the western Atlantic Ocean, where supposedly many ships, people, planes, and other objects disappear unexplainably. The three points of location that connect the triangle are Miami, Florida, Bermuda, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The triangle covers about five hundred thousand square miles of ocean. However, there is no official boundaries or markers for the triangle, just recognized linings. Over the past five centuries, more than a thousand ships and planes have disappeared inside of the triangle boundaries, and still to this day continue to do so. There are many theories behind these happenings. However, no one has yet found the real truth behind it. One of the most famous, or well-known happenings of the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of Flight 19. This happened in December, 1945 during a US Navy training exercise. Fourteen crew members on a route mission disappeared after sending out many radio messages, and when two Martin Mariner rescue planes came to search for them, only one came back while the other strangely could not be found. It is still not fully known what went wrong here. Many wrecked parts from Flight 19 have never been recovered. More famous incidents of the Bermuda Triangle are: The USS Cyclops and three hundred and nine crew members went missing in 1918, the Douglas DC-3 plane with thirty-two people that went missing in 1958 (no trace of aircraft was ever found), and a yacht that was... ...iangle disappearance is no more logical than trying to find a common cause for every automobile accident in Arizona.† Neither maritime insurance leader Lloyd’s of London, or the U.S. Coast Guard, do not see the Bermuda Triangle as an especially dangerous place. They say, â€Å"In a review of many aircraft and vessel losses in the area over the years, there has been nothing discovered that would indicate that casualties were the result of anything other than physical causes. No extraordinary factors have ever been identified.† So it is ultimately up to you to decide what you believe in when it comes to the Bermuda triangle. While it has become very popular to link the Bermuda Triangle to paranormal activity, most investigations claim they happen from bad weather and human error. With all the hundreds of theories, still today, the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle remains.

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