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Friday, October 18, 2019

Review of Litterature Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review of Litterature - Article Example The study is in such a design where the respondents get maximum benefits at minimum risk. Prompt introduction of the problem was done and developed and the purpose of the research has been relayed to the reader, however the significance to nursing has not been described. The research variables in the study are Rural Student Recruitment program and rural student numbers enrolled in medicine at University of Western Australia and the study explains them well. The article has a clear exposition of the hypothesis with two variables and deduces it from the research problem. Sampling was not done in the study as real figures of students enrolled into the Rural Student Recruitment Program were used allowing for generalization to future participants in the program. Data was derived from the RSR database with the rationale that the data shows all participants in the RSR program. Data analysis method used fits the measurement method used in the study and there is a logical and clear link between analysis and findings in the study. Numerical and text presentation of the statistical result as well as clear, simple and accurate graphs are used to present the findings. The assumption in the study is that the postal code of the addresses represents the participant’s area of residents and the assumption is not stated. A limitation is that it focuses on the western part of Western Australia; this limitation is not also stated. The results are well analyzed and further research recommended for a similar study to be made with a focus on the northern areas of Western Australia. This recommendation is supported by the data. Generalizations are made to include future student participants of the success of RSR program in improving the success of rural student recruitment for medicine at University of Western Australia. The article has a clearly stated title that gives the key area of study and states the problem clearly that builds a persuasive need for

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