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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Two high school teachers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Two high school teachers - Essay Example gh school teachers is the same that is guiding and educating the students; despite of this, their way of teaching, giving instructions and their relationship with the students is very different. Both the teachers are excellent at their job but their methodologies of teaching differ from each other. My Maths teacher places greater emphasis on class work and ensures that all students complete the work taught in class there and then. She does not burden the students with homework. Instead, her stress is more on regularly testing the students and she conducts class tests every week. This is a method used by her to make sure that the students study at home and practice for the tests. She does not overburden the students by giving them too much of homework and conducting tests at the same time. On the other hand, my English teacher tries to spend greater time in class to explain and teach the students and answer their queries. He does not provide much work in class. But he ensures that the students are given regular homework. He does not conduct regular class tests but rather he takes monthly tests. He follows this pattern so that the students gain the maximum in class and revise the subject while doing the homework. Both the teachers try that their students gain the maximal knowledge, but their instructional goals are different; such as the student’s grade, what they would like their students to learn, and what a successful future is for the students. It is the goal of every teacher to make their students learn new things and to enhance their knowledge but their approaches vary. My English teacher focuses on helping the students improve in their weak points rather than only focusing on their strengths. He wants us to improve ourselves not just in a particular sector but to be all-rounders. According to him, our successful future depends on not just being book-worms or getting high grades but also being intellectual and smart. He expects us to have clear concepts

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

H.W Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

H.W - Assignment Example Key stakeholders in this case include, Merck shareholders, decision makers with regard to research and development, other individuals that suffer from debilitating conditions that further research and development by Merck might otherwise cure, and those that are or might potentially become infected with River Blindness in the future. The costs of this decision would be that a potential cure would be knowingly passed over by the decision makers at Merck. The benefits would be that other potential remedies could be developed that might otherwise positively impact upon a much larger group of stakeholders. A strict utilitarian would seek to promote the greatest utility in this particular case. As the plight of new potential research would be unknown and there is a small percentage chance of the animal drugs to work well with regard to curing or addressing River Blindness, the utilitarian would ultimately choose the River Blindness research over the other alternatives. By means of contrast and comparison, the universalist would recognize the fact that there is a larger potential for the money to more effectively be used elsewhere; thereby encouraging one to prefer to pass over the River Blindness research. One of the ways that managers can encourage stakeholders to take back injuries more seriously is to provide an emotional appeal based on the individuals that have already been injured in the line of work. Whereas the employee might not think that the employer has their best interests in mind, by showing that the health, happiness, and safety of the employees is something that effects everyone is something that can be done as a means of engaging a further level of understanding throughout the firm. Advanced appreciation would be one extremely useful technique that the professor could use as a function of engaging participation.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Motivation Behind Creative Accounting Accounting Essay

Motivation Behind Creative Accounting Accounting Essay Creative accounting is a practice that potentially being undertaken as a result from some individual care more on their own interest and indirectly causes issues arise in ethical dimension of creative accounting. From information perspective, agency theory gives a clear picture on creative accounting scenario. Whereby managers misuse their privileged position in manipulating financial reporting in their own interest which providing superior information content to shareholder. Lack of personal skill or unwillingness to carry out detailed analysis making individual shareholders do not have the clear view on the effect of accounting manipulation give a high possibility in the incidence of creative accounting. Definition of creative accounting In the USA, the preferred term of creative accounting is earnings management, however in Europe the preferred term is creative accounting. Generally, creative accounting is accounting practice that falls outside the regulation and give benefit to certain people. It can be described as a practice with a clear aim to interrupt the financial reporting process which affects reported income to make it looked normal and provides no true economic advantages to relevant parties like shareholders. Concisely, creative accounting is the transformation of financial accounting figures from what they actually are to what users desire by taking advantage of the accounting policies which is permitted by accounting standard. Motivation for creative accounting There are several motivations have been identified in stimulating the behaviour of creative accounting in the organization. These are proven by various researches being done in the past. Firstly, the significant motivator for creative accounting is to report a decrease in business income to lower the tax paid. Second, to enable the companys performance appear better in future, company will maximize the reported loss to make bad loss in that year. This is called big bath accounting for the purpose in smoothing the income. Thirdly, to provide positive view on expectations, securities valuation and reduction on risk for analysts in anticipated capital market transactions and maintain firms performance in analysts expectation. Other motivations are to manipulate profit in order to match the reported income to profit forecasts and to distract attention from negative news by boosting companys profit figure though change in accounting policies. Managers motivations in managing earning aim to report a stable growth in profit not only to reduce the perception of variability toward organisations earnings, but also are in relation to income measurement. In order to make company faces less risk and gain more benefit in aspect of raising fund, takeover bids as well as prevent takeover by other company. Creative accounting is needed to maintain or promote the share price and create a good profit growth. To gain benefit from inside knowledge, director of the company engage creative accounting to postpone the release of information to the market. Last but not least, many types of contractual right, obligation and constraints based on the amount reported in the accounts also motivate company to apply creative accounting. Techniques of creative accounting Creative accounting is actively applied in six areas. The first area is regulatory flexibility, whereby changes in accounting policy are permitted by accounting regulation. For example, IAS permit carrying non-current asset can be recovered at either revalued amount or depreciated historical cost in asset valuation. Secondly, dearth of regulation by which some accounting treatment might not be fully regulated as there is few mandatory requirements. The third area is management has large extent of estimation in discretionary areas, such as assumption in bad debts provision. Fourthly, some transactions can be timed as to show the desired appearance in accounts. For example, the manager is free to choose the timing to sell the investment just to increase earning in the accounts. Fifthly, to manipulate balance sheet amounts by using artificial transaction. Last but not least, by reclassification and presentation of financial amounts through balance sheet manipulation in order to smooth financial ratios and also based on cognitive reference point in financial numbers presentation. Existence of creative accounting Theoretically, managers motivation in creative accounting is acceptable. However, there is various empirical studies have concluded that certain of companies apply a particular techniques of creative accounting to some extent, for example, applied in non-discretionary component of the bad debts provision. Other evidence is classificatory smoothing by using the extraordinary items, such as pensions cost, dividends from unconsolidated subsidiaries, extraordinary charges and credits and research and development costs in manipulating the figure of income in financial statements as it was proven by several researchers. Merchant found that managers acknowledge manipulative behaviours in accounting information and Black argued non-current asset sales are exploited by manager as creative accounting tools through timing of its transactions since relevant accounting standards are permissive. Creative accounting behaviour is slightly still persisting although regulations are tightened. Amat reported out of 35 large listed companies especially in Spanish identified that creative accounting behaviour was overt and considered legal. In addition, there are 3 possible indicators of creative accounting: (1) auditor report qualifications, (2) special authorizations from regulatory agencies, and (3) changes in accounting practices. In Spanish case, the direction of creative accounting was connected to general economic conditions and this somehow affected reported earning and adjusted earning against Spanish listed companies. However, there are some unique features of Spanish accounting environment bring out special attention such as the audit report qualification are ordinary, and creative accounting may be arose from the collusion of the regulatory authorities. Creative accounting behaviours can be identified by having thoughtful analysis of financial statement or observed by reasonably well- informed user of financial statement. But, how clearness the users of statement observe creative accounting is questionable. As in Spanish, analysts fail to report the existence of creative accounting. Anyway, value of information content in financial statement is concerned even though financial statements give adequate information enable users to adjust for creative accounting as certain investors rely on reported earning numbers in income statement. Ethical perspective of creative accounting There are some ethical issues concerning the exercise of creative accounting. Revsine stated that loopholes in accounting standards provide manager some spaces in the sense of manipulate the timing in income reporting. In his opinion, accounting is a tool to supervise contracts between managers and financial groups, identify possibility of accounting manipulation and how properly it reflected in pricing and contracting decisions. Ethics of bias in choosing accounting policy which implied in creative accounting can be seen through accounting regulators and management level. There are 2 views of accounting (deontological and teleological) which viewed differently by Revsine and Ruland. From Rulands perspective, deontological view is the moral applied to actual action and teleological view is actions should be judged based on the result of such action. Whereas from Revsine perspective, teleological view of accounting is employed in private sector which permit manager to use loose standard to achieve what they want and deontological view is about strict standard in preventing accounting manipulation in public sector. In addition, Ruland has also differentiated positive responsibility and negative responsibility. From accounting perspective, positive responsibility refers to present an account free from bias. Meanwhile, negative responsibility refers to managers would be liable for actions done by others, which they fail to avoid. Compared to duty to act, Ruland has stressed on duty to refrain, which means avoid the inherent bias in creative accounting. Its importance can be looked into 3 issues, which are relentlessness, certainty of result and responsibility. Professional accountant regards creative accountings are ethically doubted. Conner stated that managers tend to misapply accounting principles to give better appearance in financial statement to investors. Conflict of interest, client requests to alter account and for tax evasion are the most frequent ethical issues. Accountants attitudes toward creative accounting depend on whether it is arisen from misuse of accounting principle and manipulation of transactions. Merchant and Rockness found that accountants more critic in misuse of accounting principles as accountants duty is on rule-based and it falls within their expertise. Failure to act ethically may damage the reputation as an accountant unless he or she reports the abuse to the appropriate party. Slotting is not an acceptable accounting treatment in company practices. There are some action can be taken by accounting regulators in order to restrain creative accounting: Decrease allowable accounting method or fix method used in different condition so that scope for choosing accounting method can be narrow downed. Companies should also be consistent in using method chosen by them. Some rules should be established to reduce the abuse of judgement. For instance, International Accounting Standards presently have almost removed the extraordinary item from operating profit. Also, companies should be consistent in applying accounting policy to restrain the abuse of judgement. Implementation of Substance over form can decrease artificial transaction and this can make linked transaction become one as whole. To restrict the use of timing of genuine transaction, item in account should be regularly revaluated. The increase or decrease in value should be stated in the account each year the revaluation occurs. International Accounting Standards also tends to value item at fair value rather than historical cost. Besides alteration in accounting regulations, ethical standards and governance codes must be properly executed to avoid individuals from performing creative accounting. Comparison with other author on the article presented From the study done by Dilip and Eno in Creative Accounting in Bangladesh And Global Perspectives found that the cause of creative accounting is the conflicts of interest among different interest groups. For example, managing shareholders want to pay less tax and dividends. Investor-shareholders are interested to get more dividends and capital gains. Countrys tax authorities would like to collect more and more taxes. Employees are interested to get better salary and higher profit share. Dilip and Eno also reported that creative accounting may arise under 3 different financial market conditions: Depending on the financial market evaluation of the companys future prospects, company keep changes its shares to attract investors to contribute to such shares either at par or at a premium. Aim to show a desirable picture of its financial conditions when the company whose shares are already listed in a stock exchange. Based on inflated profits through overvaluation of assets, undervaluation of liabilities and change in systems of stock valuation that promote the image of company in a short time, company having its shares listed in the stock exchange may declare and pay high dividends. Both of them examines creative accounting in Bangladesh scenario, they found out many of the company prospectuses published in Bangladesh are based on creative accounting. An expert opinion survey also done by them and result showed that although it is not clear for how long, creative accounting has been clearly practice in Bangladesh. Creative accounting not only being practiced in Bangladesh but it seems to be widespread globally in developed countries such as UK, USA as well as Australia. And the case of Enron is the most broadly known case of creative accounting in USA. Dilip and Eno also suggested that the code of professional ethics should be strictly overemphasized. Accounting education is needed as well as the responsible of instructor to instill moral values of integrity, honesty and sincerity into students character as it is critical to modern society, the business world and the accounting profession.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Definition of Happiness :: Happiness Essays

  According to Webster dictionary the word Happiness in defined as Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. People when they think of happiness, they think about having to good feeling inside. There are many types of happiness, which are expressed in many ways. Happiness is something that you can't just get it comes form your soul. Happiness is can be changed through many things that happen in our every day live.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Happiness according scientific studies happiness comes from dopamine taking chemicals around the brain, which is a transmitter in the brain that controls the nervous system. These chemicals in the brain make us happy and sad. Happiness means different things to different people, so say Happiness comes from peace and other happiness comes from your expectations from being fulfilled. Happiness is like being sad or angry, it?s an emotion. Some people can get happiness from the simplest things such as reading your favorite book; other people are more complicated they see happiness as some thing that doesn?t really happen to them, but that?s not true because very person is different some people are happy all the time or at least most of the time, while some people say that there not happy are really just happy for a short period of time, weather it means just laughing at a joke, your happy for that couple of seconds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People show there happiness in many ways, some people smile and there face just glows in pleasure and enjoyment, while others just don?t show there happy emotions physically they keep that feeling inside themselves. Even dogs have a way of showing there happiness, they show it by shaking there tail. One of the main reasons there are so many unhappy people in our society is because many have never taken the time to discover what it is that makes them happy. Chances are if you were to ask someone else what would make them happy you'd get a list of the same thing I mentioned above. The truth is, most people have a difficult time stating exactly what would make them happy for the simple reason they've never really thought about it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I personally believe that real happiness not the 3 second happiness that fades away, it has anything to do with our possessions, our environment, or even our health; it comes from being happy with your life and expecting who you are and what you have in life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Practicum: Tour Guide and Elementary School

We talked about the destinations, accommodation and the budget for each group, because we're divided into 8 groups. The 4 groups are going to Sad and the other 4 are going to ‘locos Norte and Sure. March 26, Second day Sir Mann told me went to De La Sale in Taft Avenue to pass his papers and after that I went to Bambina and bought some medicine for our medical kit that we will be using for our Tour. March 27, Sir Mann told me went to Magmata to meet Mr.. Carlo, he is aBusinessman and my Job is to get his full payment for the Honking Tour, I remember that guy because he gave me a tip and treat me in a high class restaurant. I think he gave me the payment and it cost around forty five thousand pesos in cash so that day I feel Anxious and when I came back in our office I took a rest because we were having a tour on the next day. May 28, I Joined the ‘locos Holy week tour Sir Lieu San Martin and I were partner and we brought 50 Tourist or Clients.They came from different grou p so our mission is to make them friends before the Tour ends. I'm he one who's in-charge in money transactions, checking-in the tourist on their of our tour and my task for this day is to serve and remind the hotel to prepare their breakfast and to be a professional photographer because we coordinator are the one to took them pictures if they requested only. March 30 last day of our ‘locos tour, we went to Vagina heritage to buy some stuffs and shirts and after that back to Manila.WEEK 2: April 2- 8, 2013 April 2, we trainees taught to make a company email address and we made an account in slit. Com to promote some tour packages that we are offering. April 3, Sir Mann taught us how to answer phone calls and how to make a reservation for those clients asking for a tour or some promos that we are offering. April 4, Mama Promotion taught me how to deposit, withdraw and other banking transactions, the truth is I have no idea how banking transactions is processed and I sort out so me receipts and bills.April 5, Sir Ryan our Marketing specialist taught me how to make an ads and how to compute those tour price, accommodation and airline tickets that they are offering. April 6, another ‘locos tour is came so automatically we trainees are joined. We did the same thing like the last tour but this tour is the most unforgettable tour, because one of our clients sends a message to our company directly to Mr.. Mann our General Manager, the client complains are 1 . What a kind of Tour guide you have? 2. Your tour guide is making money on us. 3.The tour guide of your company is not well dressed. The complainant used other mobile number for us not to know who she/he is, by that day I don't know what to do, because I'm not expecting that would be happened. WEEK 3: April 9-12, 15, 2013 April 9, this is Holiday from ‘locos tour we came here at manila by 2 o'clock in the ironing and by 3 o'clock in the morning we went to Lucian, Guenon for our Success in the past Holy week tour and also an incentives because almost of our clients appreciated my effort in that tour and I am very thankful to those clients.April 10, 11, 12, I did some paper works like sort out receipts, print some documents, arranged the files, books, Fliers, Directories, Posters, answer phone calls. April 15, we trainees cleaned up the whole office and put some wall designs because some unexpectedly visitors from Department of Tourism would come. WEEK 4: April 16-19, 2013 April 16, on this day we are tasked to make some research about Minor travelers and airline codes, airport codes, airport rules. We did for the whole day is to read what we searched.April 17, this is the day of our quiz I remember that is a 100 items quiz but only two questions (it's weird right) I got 96 and my co-trainee got 94 so he failed and I got passed but I'm not putting up myself I'm Just happy because I didn't expected that I will passed the quiz. April 18, we were tasked to made a tour itinerary f rom Zebu-boll-campaign, I have no idea in that place so the whole day Im focused n that task and sir and I talked one-on-one about the itinerary I made and fortunately , I passed again because I defend my answer correctly and exactly it made my confident boost.April 19, Sir Mann asked me and my co-trainee to repost all of the ads we post in Slit, the purpose of reposting those ads is to make the clients easily look for that April 22, Just the same thing I did some edit and fix some files and ads on website. April 23, Deposit those payments of the clients in the bank, sort out those receipts again, answering phone calls. April 24, Mr..Mann taught us how to speak fluently and e told me some tips and reminders for me to knew that in the future we need to become comfortable and hospitable in our clients even though our clients is not in a good mood, do paper works, answer phone calls and other matters. April 25, tomorrow would be our last day so I review those tour packages that they're offers and repost it again. April 26, taking pictures of the facilities, gathered those information that I need for the completion of my practicum report and finished my 300 hours of Journey and unforgettable experienced in Tuesday Tours and Travel. General Perception of the training

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

“Midsummer Nights Dream” by Shakespeare Essay

â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† by William Shakespeare frequently explores the complex types of love. Love is timeless subject. It will forever be the theme of much popular entertainment and the source of conflict for many men and women. No one understands the theme of love greater than Shakespeare and therefore I will look at how conflict is developed through love in â€Å"Midsummer Night’s Dream† At the start of the play, Shakespeare explores the theme of love through the characters Theseus and Hippolyta. Theseus seduces Hippolyta. â€Å"I wound you with my sword and one by love† The quote shows the conflict caused by love between Theseus and Hippolyta in form of a battle. Shakespeare’s purpose was to introduce the idea that love involves conflict through this scene. The audience begins to engage with the theme of love as it creates crises to the plot. This idea that love involves conflict is developed when Hermia and Lycander are bought in front of Theseus. Hermia wishes to marry her romantic love Lysander but her father Igneus has power over her as by law and paternal love. Shakespeare presents for us the conflict between eternal and romantic love. â€Å"The course of true love never went so smooth†-Lysander. This quote proves that love brings hard times and conflicts during its timeless life. The audience develops the theme of love and the conflict that can be caused by inter-relation of love. The conflict between relations of love is developed further as Helena’s love for Demetrius is not returned to her but to her best friend Hermia. Shakespeare shows how the platonic love between Helena and Hermia suffers due to Helena’s obsessive love towards Lysander and Hermia’s romantic love for Lysander. â€Å"Sickness is catching, yours would I catch!†-Helena to Hermia. The effect of this is that the audience presents himself/herself to believe if one love blooms, the other may suffer. In the middle of the play the conflict between love through reason and blind  love are clearly shown through characters Bottom and Titania. Titania, under the influence of the magic potion symbolizes love at first sight and falls in love with Bottom while Bottom symbolizes love for reason and fails to see why she loves him. â€Å"Truth, reason, and love keep little company these days† Through the quote Bottom describes the conflict which the two types of love have in that blind love masks and hides all reasons of love. Shakespeare shows the nonsense and humor of love at first sight. Conflicts in love in â€Å"Midsummer Night’s Dream† are resolved in all happy endings; Theseus marries Hippolyta, 4 nobles married. This is where Shakespeare loses his reality because it is a play. A conflict caused by love lasts for a lifetime in reality but a play must end in with a happy ending as it is purely for entertainment and therefore Shakespeare finishes this way. We can argue that Shakespeare may have done this to show that loves other than reason are more common than reason. The theme of love causes many conflicts. It breaks friendships, paternal love, and romantic love. Even if the love is strong it can be broken. Shakespeare persuades audience that love for reason is less common but it is better for all the right reasons. Shakespeare uses love between characters to develop conflicts throughout â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Structural Family Therapy Essays

Structural Family Therapy Essays Structural Family Therapy Essay Structural Family Therapy Essay Institution Structural Family Therapy Name Instructors Name Course Number 31, May 2014 Abstract This research paper discusses Structural Family Therapy in relation to its development, tenets, application, and comparison to other methods. It was established that Munich was at the forefront of developing the approach due to the realization that human problems cannot be solved individualistically. Instead, they should be solved in the context of family structure since it affects behavior profoundly. Some of the critical tenets of SIFT included the family and the presentation of the problems as an issue of he system rather than the affected party. In regard to the process of application, it was noted that a family does not need to meet given requirement in order to enable the application of SIFT. Identification and Overview of the Approach Development of Structural Approach Components of SET Family Problem Presentation Process of Therapeutic Change Application of the Approach during Family Therapy Similarities, Differences and New Lessons Learnt Identification and Overview of the Approach Structural Family Therapy (SET) is found as a model of family treatment that s based on systematic theories conceived by Salvador Munich with the help of other psychologists at the Child Guidance Clinic of Philadelphia (Carr, 2000). In essence, the approach is found on the premises that effective therapy is fostered by the change of structure within the family setting. It stipulates that the treatment process must focus on the details Of personal change so that individuals restructure to attain a healthy pattern of relations. It seeks to address the afflictions experienced in the functioning of the family by helping the members to understand the informally stipulated rules that over its relationships and roles. This implies that the essence of family therapy does not rest on the individual prospects, but the ideologies of the family system in entirety. One of the most crucial aspects of SET is the fact that therapist, in their attempt to bring positive change, integrate with the family, become temporal members, and start learning the ways of the system in order to transform it (Dallas Draper, 2010). Development of Structural Approach In essence, the conception of SIFT was necessitated by the need to provide a ay of treating family problems based on the system rather than using individualistic approaches. The history of this approach dates back to 1 960 when the Munich conducted therapy in one of the schools in New York known as Williwaw (Dilatation Jonas, 2010). Whereas the conception of this approach cannot be necessarily situated at that point, its development is attributed strongly to the Munchkins effort to establish it in this school. In other words, his application of the approach in Wilt. Yuck School is considered as a critical undertaking that catcalled the entire development Of SIFT. In this regard, the boys from Willingly School originated from disorganized families that had multiple problems occasioned by poverty. The psychologist noted that the society relied on psychotherapeutic methods that required verbal articulations and targeted the middle class. As a result, the techniques resulted to very negligible transformational impacts on the students. In fact, it was discovered that most of the students lost the insight once they returned home (Doherty McDaniel, 2010). Consequently, it called for psychologists to develop alternative approaches for the counseling. Munich started developing the method by seeking to change transform families into therapeutic entities. The focus shifted from the individualistic perspective to the use of techniques that manipulate family Structures when solving delinquency problems (Gerhardt, 2012). Having focused on the problem as a family matter, Munich developed techniques that were suitable for the diagnosis of poor socioeconomic families in the community (Donahue Czarina, 2012). This diverted the attention of psychologists from the common individualistic approach to the use of the family system. At this point, Munich helped to create concepts that formed the foundation of a model that was exposed after one decade. Since the model was used on a fairly small population, Munich and his colleagues decided to test its validity by using a bigger cross-sectional population. After the test, the results evoked critical connotations between the perspectives of Munich and Haley. The two authors differed essentially, but their controversies formed the basis of improving their respective models of counseling. Having applied the approach to the boys at Willowy School successfully, one Of the clinical enters in Philadelphia invited Munich to their premises in order to help youthful diabetic children. It was noted that the children had inbuilt problems that did not have medical explanations (Gerhardt, 2012). In addition, it was established that those problems did not respond to classical personal treatments. Munich collected and analyzed medical data from the clinical facility to determine the cause of these unexplainable problems. Along with his colleagues, he established that there was a close connection between the psychological afflictions and the family characteristics. It was established that most of these children came from families that exhibited similar characteristics, including extreme protectiveness, conservativeness of behaviors, and lack of conflict resolution among other critical features. Having succeeded in the diagnosis of these patients, Munich pushed for the creation of clear stipulations that could increase the flexibility of families in light of their undertakings and resolution of family conflicts. This triggered the establishment of the Philadelphia Training Center, in 1970, where Munich educated therapists about the ideologies of SIFT. In 1972, Munich developed and published a systematic stipulation of SIFT that contained distinct theories and concepts. The formulation was based on the concept of helping a family to develop from One level into another (Simi, 2010). It was focused on the realignment of family relationships so that the family could maximize its potential holistically rather than transforming the individual members. Components of SIFT Among the various tenets of this approach, family is the most critical aspects that define the essence of this model of counseling. It is defined as living pen system where the components are independent of each other, but they are governed by unformulated ruled to maintain patterns of relationships. In essence, those set of rules that govern these relationships make up the structure (Goldenberg Goldenberg, 2013). The family is subject to essential influences from the external aspects so that its structure is not only shaped by the members, but also the environment within which it lives (Rivet, 2010). This implies that the family rules can be conceived by the member or enforced by the culture of the people surrounding it. In addition, the family is transformational entity because the mentioned rules keep on changing continuously according to the negotiations that take place. These rules change naturally to coincide with the broad life circles and become more effective in relation to the system. The change is considered as the tool of re- accommodating the arising circumstances in the environment and adapt to them (German, 2010). For example, if one of the family members is incapacitated, then the rest should come up with ways of tackling his or her roles to avoid any gaps in the family. However, in some instances, the moon setting of continuous change and readjustment can be halted. In this case, a family can refute responding to some circumstances occasioned by the internal and external environment (Lowe, 2004). Problem Presentation The other critical tenet of SIFT is the presentation of the problem and the way in which it is viewed by the psychologists (Rumba, 2010). In this regard, it is evident that the problem is considered as part of the family structure rather than an issue of the individual. This implies that, when answering the question of whether a child is disciplined or not, one must consider the Truckee of the family before making a decision. Further, it means that the actions of indiscipline must be put into context with the underlying ideologies, rules, and beliefs of the family system. For example, it must be established whether the child is more undisciplined towards the mother or a father. In addition, the therapist could establish when the child turns aggressive in order to understand the circumstances that trigger the actions of indiscipline (Myrrh Whims, 2012). Importantly, it is critical when determining how other members of the family respond to the aggressiveness in order to measure he extent to which reactions accelerate of reduce the rate of misbehaver. In regard to this model, the issues raised by the patients are viewed as critical components of the family system so that the solution can originate from the structure Only (Wine, 2010). In essence, the restructuring involves the changing of relative positions of the family members. The process calls for the redefinition of critical relations in relation to the hierarchical and coalition interactions (Nichols Schwartz, 2005). This implies that the therapeutic change facilitates transformation of sustained patterns comprising of the robber. Since SIFT requires the therapists to act as a member of the family, they have the capability to request different behaviors and change the perceptions. By influencing the behaviors and perceptions, the therapist is cap blew of changing the interaction of the family embracements to coincide with the prevailing environmental conditions (Rumba, 2013). Application of the Approach during Family Therapy In the light of the application of this approach, it is important to understand that the model is not a mere collection of techniques applied to the problem. Instead, it is a practical and systematic model based on the premises that problems can be conceptualized and diagnosed in the context of their relationships (Pock, 2010). Further, the application must be based on the fact that the family is an existing entity that has a past and future. These two aspects influence the behaviors, beliefs, and ideologies of the family members. In essence, there are no particular specifications that the problem should envisage in order to apply SET. Whereas it is unthinkable that that the model cannot be applied in some situations, it is critically important to notice hat some situations impede the effectiveness of the approach (Wine, 2010). For example, if a child is hospitalized for diagnosis, it is difficult to trigger the change of the family structure. This implies that the efforts to change the family structure are essentially ineffective due to the separation Of the child from the members whose relationships should be changed (Lange, 2010). While considering psychoanalytical approach, it was noted that the two methods focus on the rules and relationships of the family in light of interacting with each other. However, it was noted that diagnosis is not based n changing the structure of the family.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Frida Kahlo

I chose to watch the movie Frida. Frida Kahlo was one of Mexico’s most famous artists. She was known for her candid portraits depicting the emotional and physical pain she experienced throughout her life. Frida is about the struggles we face throughout our lives, and how we can overcome these hardships with love and friendship on our side. As a young adult, Frida was seriously injured in a trolley accident. The accident left her bed-ridden for months, due to severe injuries to her body. Doctors said that she would not be able to walk again. During this time, she developed her talent for painting. Miraculously, Frida makes a full recovery, but the medical expenses drained her family’s finances. Frida decided to try to become a professional painter to help support her family. She went into Mexico City in search of professional critique from the successful painter Diego Rivera. Diego immediately recognized her talent and offered to help her. They quickly fell in love and Diego proposed marriage. And though Diego is known for his brief affairs with his nude female models and other admirers, Frida cautioned him not to betray her and accepted the marriage proposal. Their life together was enriched with adventure and high profile parties, as Diego took high paying commissions in the United States. But his career in A merica quickly fell apart when he refused to change his painting philosophy despite political pressures from his client. Returning to Mexico, their personal and financial lives continued to unravel. Frida picked up painting again, while trying desperately to make her family life work. Frida is a beautifully performed and produced movie, thanks to the dedication of Salma Hayek who worked so hard to get this movie to the big screen. Salma Hayek breathes live into Frida, who we may never have truly appreciated without this movie. As a movie, Frida is a colorful, hard-hitting, and true from the heart as Frida Kahlo’... Free Essays on Frida Kahlo Free Essays on Frida Kahlo In the self-portrait of Frida Kahlo with cropped hair – 1940; the imagery is so odd that it evokes an almost dream like setting; Frida Kahlo gazes out expressionless, with a mask like stare. Usually known for her native Mexican costumes of long ruffled skirts and embroidered blouses, and for weaving ribbons, flowers and jewels into her crown of braids, here Frida Kahlo appears in a baggy man's suit with her hair cut off (MoMA). She appears weak. Her arms are limp and her hands barely hold a pair of scissors and a strand of hair the evidence of her self-destruction. The fresh-cut strands float and squirm in her barren surroundings, entwining themselves around her chair. It's almost as if her energy has been exhausted from her body and into her loose strands of hair. By rejecting the trappings of so-called "feminine" attire, Kahlo was making herself undesirable to her unfaithful husband, the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera whom she had divorced earlier the same year (MoMA). Her ne w "masculine" guise was meant to deflect his superficial admiration, superficiality echoed in the words from a popular Mexican song written at the top of the painting: â€Å"Look if I loved you, it was for your hair. Now that you are bald, I don't love you anymore.† Although the subjects of Kahlo's paintings are often personal, her style is rooted in Mexican art, especially in nineteenth-century religious painting. The Surrealist leader of that time, Andrà © Breton, described Frida’s work as â€Å"a ribbon around a time bomb† (MoMA). Frida Kahlo’s response was â€Å"I never knew I was a surrealist till Andre Breton came to Mexico and told me I was† (Masters).... Free Essays on Frida Kahlo Mexico’s Woman Frida Kahlo’s mother was a devout Catholic of mixed Indian and Spanish blood. Her father was born in Germany, the son of Hungarian Jewish Immigrants. He moved to Mexico City, and later studied photography becoming infamous for his photos of Mexico’s Colonial architecture. This background and the Revolution of 1910 drew Frida into focusing the Indian part of her heritage. It was reflected in her behavior ,her appearance, her art, and even in her home decor. When Frida was a small child she became ill with polio, leaving her right leg shrunken. She always remembered her father being very supportive and drove her in her mental and physical development. Her pastimes at this age were reading, singing, drifting into a fantasy world, and as she got stronger she was involved in sports. Frida was excepted into the National Preparatory School in 1922, heart set on becoming a doctor. During this time every one had â€Å"revolution fever† in Mexico, including Frida. She joined a left wing group called Cachuchas renowned for their smarts and their playful ways. She even changed her birth date from 1907 to 1910 to correspond to the Mexican Revolution beginning. It was at her Preparatory school she first met her future Husband, Diego Rivera. She became smitten with him at first sight even telling a group of friends that it was her goal to have a child by him. Though not a good student she was high spirited, strong willed, rebellious, and an avid reader in Spanish, German, and English. In 1925, her life was flipped up-side-down when she was in a near deadly bus accident. Her back, foot and pelvis were broken badly when a handrail pierced her body. She had over 30 surgeries but never fully recovered, but in public she was as strong as ever she rejected her pain with a laugh. Her flowing long shirts that she always wore were to cover her limp. While recovering she began painting, using a special easel and a mirror above ... Free Essays on Frida Kahlo I chose to watch the movie Frida. Frida Kahlo was one of Mexico’s most famous artists. She was known for her candid portraits depicting the emotional and physical pain she experienced throughout her life. Frida is about the struggles we face throughout our lives, and how we can overcome these hardships with love and friendship on our side. As a young adult, Frida was seriously injured in a trolley accident. The accident left her bed-ridden for months, due to severe injuries to her body. Doctors said that she would not be able to walk again. During this time, she developed her talent for painting. Miraculously, Frida makes a full recovery, but the medical expenses drained her family’s finances. Frida decided to try to become a professional painter to help support her family. She went into Mexico City in search of professional critique from the successful painter Diego Rivera. Diego immediately recognized her talent and offered to help her. They quickly fell in love and Diego proposed marriage. And though Diego is known for his brief affairs with his nude female models and other admirers, Frida cautioned him not to betray her and accepted the marriage proposal. Their life together was enriched with adventure and high profile parties, as Diego took high paying commissions in the United States. But his career in A merica quickly fell apart when he refused to change his painting philosophy despite political pressures from his client. Returning to Mexico, their personal and financial lives continued to unravel. Frida picked up painting again, while trying desperately to make her family life work. Frida is a beautifully performed and produced movie, thanks to the dedication of Salma Hayek who worked so hard to get this movie to the big screen. Salma Hayek breathes live into Frida, who we may never have truly appreciated without this movie. As a movie, Frida is a colorful, hard-hitting, and true from the heart as Frida Kahlo’...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ivory Soap in the Microwave - Heat Makes Foam

Ivory Soap in the Microwave - Heat Makes Foam If you unwrap a bar of Ivoryâ„ ¢ soap and microwave it, the soap will expand into a foam that is more than six times the size of the original bar. Its a fun trick that wont hurt either your microwave or the soap. This soap trick can be used to demonstrate closed-cell foam formation, physical change, and Charles Law. Soap Trick Materials Bar of Ivoryâ„ ¢ soapPaper towel or microwave-safe dishMicrowave ovenOther brands of soap for comparison (optional) Perform the Soap Trick Unwrap a bar of Ivoryâ„ ¢ soap.Place the bar of soap on a paper towel or microwave-safe dish.Microwave your soap. Watch the soap closely to see what happens.Depending on microwave power, your soap will reach its maximum volume within 90 seconds to 2 minutes. If you microwave the soap longer (we  went up to 6 minutes) nothing bad will happen, but the soap wont continue to grow.Allow the soap to cool for a minute or two before touching it.The soap will feel brittle and flaky, but its still soap, with the same cleaning power as before. Go ahead and get it wet and youll see it lathers the same as ever. About Foams A foam is any material that traps a gas inside a cells of foams include shaving cream, whipped cream, Styrofoamâ„ ¢, and even bone. Foams can be fluid or solid, squishy or rigid. Many foams are polymers, but the type of molecule isnt what defines whether or not something is a foam. How the Soap Trick Works Two processes occur when you microwave the soap. First, you are heating the soap, which softens it. Second, you are heating the air and water trapped inside the soap, causing the water to vaporize and the air to expand. The expanding gasses push on the softened soap, causing it to expand and become a foam. Popping popcorn works in much the same way. When you microwave Ivoryâ„ ¢, the appearance of the soap is changed, but no chemical reaction occurs. This is an example of a physical change. It also demonstrates Charles Law, which states the volume of a gas increases with its temperature. The microwaves impart energy into the soap, water, and air molecules, causing them to move faster and further away from each other. The result is that the soap puffs up. Other brands of soap dont contain as much whipped air and simply melt in the microwave. Things to Try Place a bar of Ivoryâ„ ¢ in a bowl of water. Does it float? Try this with other brands of soap. Do they float or sink?Cut or break off a piece of Ivoryâ„ ¢ and examine it. Do you see pockets of air? The air that causes Ivoryâ„ ¢ to be less dense than water has been whipped into the soap, so you wont see bubbles or pockets of air. This is important because its the reason why the soap trick works.Try microwaving other brands of soap. Soap Trick Safety Dont leave the microwave unattended while microwaving soap.Dont place metal in the microwave.Be aware that while microwaving soap will not harm either your microwave or the soap, it will cause your microwave to smell floral and pretty for several hours.Wash your hands after playing with soap so that you dont accidentally eat it (though its not toxic) or get it in your eyes (which would burn).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Effects of Video Games on Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Effects of Video Games on Children - Essay Example However, video games have some negative impacts on the lives of children. They consume much time leaving the children with less time to improve their social skills through interaction with people. According to studies conducted on the impacts of video games on the minds of children, video games enhance the critical thinking of children. In any video game children are forced to think fast as according to the rules of the game. They usually make decisions based on the rules of the game. Children demonstrate creativity when given many problems to solve, in which they are required to solve quickly. Children ought to try different solutions to different problems posed in the game in order to win the game. Throughout most video games, thinking fast, solving problems and trying different solutions to problems are noted as the key activities that enhance creativity in children. Also, those children who pay attention to the events conducted in a game acquire creativity skills that they usually apply in their real lives (Ott and Pozzi, 2012). Video games increase the literacy levels of children at an early age, in that, children apply logic, planning and management of resources, some key features common in literate adults. In games, the children ought to decide whether an action is right or wrong, before solving the problem posed by characters in the game. In shooting games, children’s ability to coordinate between the movement of fingers and the visual sense is greatly enhanced. In these games, children ought to locate the position of their enemies in order for them to protect themselves from being attacked. Therefore, those playing the game ought to be attentive and react very fast if the enemy attempts to attack. The player ought to manage the available resources, decide on how to use them and when to use them, a course for learning adults in real life. The children who are

Friday, October 18, 2019

Review of Litterature Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review of Litterature - Article Example The study is in such a design where the respondents get maximum benefits at minimum risk. Prompt introduction of the problem was done and developed and the purpose of the research has been relayed to the reader, however the significance to nursing has not been described. The research variables in the study are Rural Student Recruitment program and rural student numbers enrolled in medicine at University of Western Australia and the study explains them well. The article has a clear exposition of the hypothesis with two variables and deduces it from the research problem. Sampling was not done in the study as real figures of students enrolled into the Rural Student Recruitment Program were used allowing for generalization to future participants in the program. Data was derived from the RSR database with the rationale that the data shows all participants in the RSR program. Data analysis method used fits the measurement method used in the study and there is a logical and clear link between analysis and findings in the study. Numerical and text presentation of the statistical result as well as clear, simple and accurate graphs are used to present the findings. The assumption in the study is that the postal code of the addresses represents the participant’s area of residents and the assumption is not stated. A limitation is that it focuses on the western part of Western Australia; this limitation is not also stated. The results are well analyzed and further research recommended for a similar study to be made with a focus on the northern areas of Western Australia. This recommendation is supported by the data. Generalizations are made to include future student participants of the success of RSR program in improving the success of rural student recruitment for medicine at University of Western Australia. The article has a clearly stated title that gives the key area of study and states the problem clearly that builds a persuasive need for

Planning and Preparing to Teach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Planning and Preparing to Teach - Essay Example In the process of going through the discussion, appropriate teaching and learning approaches will be tackled in details followed by identifying some strategic ways on how the paramedics can deliver inclusion sessions to motivate the learners to learn the best technique in managing the patients’ airway. To meet the curriculum requirements, the use of teaching and learning strategies as well as important resources will be discussed one by one. The paramedics has a huge role and responsibilities to meet when teaching the students to conduct basic life support such as the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first-aid techniques when dealing with emergency and life-threatening cases (Hazinski, et al., 2004). Specifically the blood loss that may occur when the victim is seriously injured can lead to cardiac arrest (The American Heart Association in collaboration with the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation., 2000). This situation requires immediate call for ambulance, CPR, early defibrillation (if necessary), and early advanced life support to prevent brain death (Hazinski, et al., 2004; Hickey et al., 1995). By encouraging the students to perform immediate action, paramedics will be able to increase the survival rate of the victim (Robertson, 2000). Obstruction in the patient’s normal airway functioning is a life-threatening scenario since the lack of oxygen that flows in the blood that flows through the human body can lead to end-organ damage, hypoxia, hypoxemia, and high mortality rates. (Eddleston et al., 2006; Levy, 2005; St. John, 2004; Ayus & Arieff, 1995) For this reason, it is crucial on the part of the paramedics to pay close attention with the patients’ breathing pattern during the assessment stage. Given that the patient shows signs and symptoms that there is an obstruction to the patients’ airway, paramedics should immediately establish the patient’s airway as part of the initial management

Resaerch Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Resaerch - Research Paper Example The 20 factors include instructions to the worker, training, integration with the business; control of assistants, continuing relationship, the set of hours a worker is required to work and the requirement of full time. The performance of the work on the employer’s premises, sequence or order of work, the requirement of reports, mode of payment including expenses, provision of tools and equipment, the level of investment and realization of profits and losses are also included in the 20 factor test. Additionally, the ability to work for more than one entity, the provision of services to the general public as well as the right to discharge and terminate the relationship also assist in the distinction (Steingold 68). A lawyer, for example, does not have to comply with instructions from the employer about where to work and how the work is to be done. The training of a lawyer is not conducted by the employer, but undertaken as a personal initiative. The services of a lawyer are not integrated into the employers business and these services are not necessarily rendered by the lawyer and can be delegated to another individual. The employment, supervision and remuneration of assistants employed by the lawyers are not controlled by the employer but by the lawyer. There is no continuing relationship between a lawyer and the employer and neither are there set working hours nor the requirement to work full time. The location of work is also the choice of the lawyer so is the order of the work to be done. The lawyer is not required to provide reports to the employer and payment is not done periodically, but rather on the terms of the contract. A lawyer can also work for more than one individual and can pro vide his or her services to the general public. A lawyer cannot be dismissed on other issues except nonperformance and where the lawyer decides to terminate the relationship at any time before the performance he is likely to incur a liability. According

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Project Evaluation and Review Technique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Evaluation and Review Technique - Essay Example PERT analysis first identify the three risk scenarios i.e. Most optimistic that is fewer risks will occur, Most likely which is weighted average of the all the risks and most pessimistic which is the estimation that the many risks will occur during the project life time. PERT than take three risks into account and calculate the single most accurate estimate of risk. The most important advantage of PERT include that PERT allow the project managers to do the detailed planning which is considered as the backbone of the project management. Further once detailed planning is done, it forces management to plan and make commitment and devise plans to follow them. (http://www.zetamuhendislik.com, 2008). Further to this, PERT estimates allow to account for the uncertaintiy into project management however its most important disadvantages incldue the fact that it is time and labor intensive apart from the fact that it is used for usually large and complex projects with huge magnitude requiring extra ordinary resources. PERT is also a techniqu where assumptions made are considered little over ambitious as it lacks the functional ownership of the estimates. The problem with the task estimation is because of the fact that the objectives as in fast changing external

Bottled Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bottled Water - Essay Example This observation is realized from a number of variables that differentiate bottled water from tap water. On the same note, these differentiating variables allows bottled water to obtain price premiums, a scenario that lacks in cases of tap water. The sale of bottled water is undertaken by firms that are in business. They therefore have business aspects to account for in their operations. In this regard, value creation becomes a critical differentiating variable. This is done through processing and packaging water in ways that appeal to the customers (Shiv, 2007). Value creation differentiates tap water and bottled water, with the primary activity being packaging. This process costs the various firms that engage in it, and the price of the bottled water must account for the costs as well as business profits. The providing firms themselves act as a differentiating variable. Tap water is provided to the masses as an aspect of human right by local governments or the state at large. Water treatment processes are undertaken at a central point before supply is done. For this reason, water tap is regarded a necessity and a right to the population. On the other hand, bottled water is associated with luxury, a complement to tap water. Therefore, obtaining the water attracts a luxury price premium. Quality is another aspect that differentiates bottled water from tap water. If is often held that bottled water is of high quality than tap water. While this claim may or may not be true, a high quality product is likely to attract a high price. The quality aspect has given rise to numerous bottled water brands, and the higher the quality attached to a specific bottled water brand, the higher the price premium that brand obtains. Marketing activities significantly differentiates tap water from bottled water. Firms that sell bottled water are actually business enterprises. Companies that supply tap water are either state operated

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Project Evaluation and Review Technique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Evaluation and Review Technique - Essay Example PERT analysis first identify the three risk scenarios i.e. Most optimistic that is fewer risks will occur, Most likely which is weighted average of the all the risks and most pessimistic which is the estimation that the many risks will occur during the project life time. PERT than take three risks into account and calculate the single most accurate estimate of risk. The most important advantage of PERT include that PERT allow the project managers to do the detailed planning which is considered as the backbone of the project management. Further once detailed planning is done, it forces management to plan and make commitment and devise plans to follow them. (http://www.zetamuhendislik.com, 2008). Further to this, PERT estimates allow to account for the uncertaintiy into project management however its most important disadvantages incldue the fact that it is time and labor intensive apart from the fact that it is used for usually large and complex projects with huge magnitude requiring extra ordinary resources. PERT is also a techniqu where assumptions made are considered little over ambitious as it lacks the functional ownership of the estimates. The problem with the task estimation is because of the fact that the objectives as in fast changing external

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Being a teenager Essay Example for Free

Being a teenager Essay When you leave primary school you become a young adult, and all things that you believed in are either reinforced or broken. You can be lucky and be accepted as a popular person or for simply being yourself; you could remain an outcast until you leave that school. There is a hierarchy that is followed in each school, and both the boys and girls follow it. There is in both cases a leader for the boys and for the girls, then there are those who follow the leaders. Then there are those who dont fit in at all and become loners. Its difficult to listen to your parents when they continually say to you, these are the best days of your life because sometimes, you struggle to see how this can be so. You feel pressure, a strong need to fit in even for just a moment, and even though you are told by your parents, no matter what grade you get we will always love you. There is still a deep feeling inside that if you dont do well, you will let your parents down and you will destroy your life. There is also a fear suppressed and hidden beneath the surface, that if you do too well, you will be called a stew by all of your peers. So you are caught in a catch twenty-two; and there is no way of avoiding the stress or worry. The best thing to deal whit the stress and worries is to pass over your fears and dont care what your peers are saying. When you are a young person everything revolves around your school live. For those that you meet in school are those you will stick with for the five to seven years that you stay there, and some of the friends you meet there may be your friends for life. You constantly are trying to better yourself in school in order to get the attention of others. You go to sleepovers, shopping and clubbing all with the people you meet in school. This puts pressure on you because you feel the need to be perfect and to fit in with all the rest of your peers. Bullying is in full flow when you are a young person, its not physical in my opinion its mainly verbal, or the people just basically exclude you completely. There are those who stand in a group of people and seem like they in a crowd or click but what others dont realize it that they arent included in the conversation what so ever. Music, television, celebrities and school control all of my actions as well as all other young people. The music that you like and listen to can determine the kind of people you will end up being friends with. Television influences how we talk, what we wear, and even affect our opinions about things. Celebrities make us want to make ourselves better and by better I mean thinner and more fashionable, and school effects what group we are in as well as the possibility that we may not fit in at all. So being a young person is anything but easy at times, there are so many different pressures that surround your life. From restless nights for exams to being able to fit in with all the popular people. Though we do have goodnights out and live for the night, when morning comes sometimes it wasnt just quite worth it. Starting jobs and keeping hormones under control is more difficult now than ever, because of influences on television. Those who surround us are constantly judging us, and we feel that we are also being judged by the outside world. Though we know there is always the one thing we can always rely on; our mobiles and in my case my family. So do you think now that its easy being a teen?

Monday, October 14, 2019

History of the Chinese War Strategy

History of the Chinese War Strategy INTRODUCTION The PLA has been undergoing the Strategic Transition from preparing for an early, total and nuclear war in 1985 to a local and limited war in the current context. The PLA understanding of the nature of these future local wars has been greatly influenced by the 1991 Gulf War and the experiences of 1996 Taiwan Straits Crisis. PLA planners believe that future local wars will be a medium sized local war which could involve large scale sea crossing and amphibious landing operations, counter offensive operations in the border regions and repelling local foreign invasion. These wars are likely to manifest in wars involving national unification and disputes over maritime and land boundary issues. PREVIEW The WZC concept was first recorded in 1979 when an adhoc operational area command was formed during the Sino- Vietnam war. It is a doctrine developed for future military operations to be conducted in Chinas strategic neighbourhood as a limited war fought under Joint HQ. It entails limited objectives, greater central control with political settlement as the end result and considerable preparation. In order to develop an understanding of the concept, this paper is laid out as under:- (a) Historical and Theoretical Perspectives of Chinese War Strategy. (b) Chinese Views on the Characteristics of Future Wars. (c) Levels of Conflict. (d) Evolution of Chinese Mil Doctrine. (e) War Zone Campaign. (f) Interpretation of Terms at Operational / Campaign level. HISTORICAL AND THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVEÂ  OF CHINESE WAR STRATEGY Transformation of the PLA. After Maos demise in 1976, saw the re-emergence of Deng Xiaoping. Under his political leadership, the military became disengaged from civilian politics and resumed the political quiescence that characterized its pre-Cultural Revolution role. Focus of military modernization was the reform of military organization, doctrine, education and training, and personnel policies to improve combat effectiveness in combined-arms warfare and the transformation of the defense establishment into a system capable of independently maintaining a modern military force. The reforms were implemented in the PLA from 1978-85. In 1985, the Enlarged Central Military Commission (CMC) endorsed Dengs shift in strategic thinking from preparing for an all out war to preparing for a local war. It carried out a review of sit and threats and concluded that there existed NO threat of early war, however a general war which could have a nuclear backdrop (nuclear war) was very much imminent. In 1995, the Enlarged Central Military Commission (CMC) meeting chaired by Jiang Zemiin officially adopted the Two Transformations (liangge zhuanbian) as the policy for army building to guide all aspects of PLA reform. It called for the Chinese army to undergo a metamorphosis from an army preparing to fight local wars under ordinary conditions to an army preparing to fight and win Local Wars Under Modern High -Tech Conditions; and from an army based on quantity to an army based on quality. Key PLA Teachings on Military Strategy. In 1987 Science of Military Strategy was published by Academy of Military Sciences which reflected change in strategic thinking from total war to local war. It was for internal circulation (neibu) to all officers at the divisional level and above. This, however, offered limited approach to strategy and was primarily based on Peoples War Under Modern Conditions (PWUMC) using positional and mobile warfare along with combined arms operations. It relied heavily on Soviet based invasion setting. In 1999, post Gulf War I, Science of Military Strategy was re-published by PLA National Defence University (NDU) and formed the core teaching text for Strategy Course at NDU. The salient highlights were the broader approach to strategy, covering a range of contingencies under modern hi-tech conditions and covered a range of varied objectives, intensity and lethality. This was followed by publication of Study of Campaigns in 2000. In 2001, AMS published open (gong kai) version of Science of Military Strategy in Chinese and, in 2005, the English version of the book was published. Theoretical Perspective. In general terms, Chinas military doctrine can be divided into four levels as under:- (a) Junshi Sixiang (Military Thought). (b) Zhanlue (Military Strategy). (c) Zhanyi (Military Campaigns). (d) Zhanshu (Military Tactics). Military Thought. This forms the foundational principles and concepts of war fighting and military struggle. It gives out the basic views for guiding and planning the overall situation of military struggle. However, specific guidelines or rules for conducting military operations are not specified. The concept of strategic thoughts is closely linked to Maos military thought and some of the relevant concepts include Active Def and Peoples War. Military Strategy Military Strategy, as per the NDU, is defined as planning and guidance for the overall situation of military struggle, including planning, deploying and guiding the construction and use of military force, to reach the effective achievement of a stated political goal. It is described as a trinity comprising of Strategic Goals (zhanlue mudi) Ends, Strategic Guidelines (zhanlue fangzhen) Ways and Strategic Means (zhanlue shouduan) Means. Strategy links Military Thought and Campaigns by providing general guidance for planning and conduct of military operations. The scope of Strategy includes (a) Threat Assessments. (b) Overall Strategic Goals. (c) Strategic Direction. (d) Basic Principles for conducting military struggle. (e) Means, methods and coordination of military struggle. Strategic Goals. Strategic Goals determine the ultimate political objective in any struggle and thus is linked to national interest. Strategic Missions (zhanlue renwu) are the operational tasks required for achieving strategic goals. Strategic missions and strategic goals are the comprehensive reflection of Strategic Circumstances (zhanlue xingshi) including the main features of international strategic situation and National security requirements. The focus of Strategic Goals during wartime includes operational aspects such as maintenance of initiative, destruction of enemy force. In peacetime, it is to safeguard national interests such as using military means to create deterrence for a stable external environment. Strategic Guidelines. Strategic Guidelines consist of general principles and programs for guiding overall situation of a military struggle. It is a closest analogue to operational doctrine, though at strategic level only, as opposed to campaign or tactical level. Past strategic guidelines include Peoples War Under modern Conditions and the current one being Local Wars under Modern High Tech Conditions. Organizational and operational modernization requirements for a force are determined from identification of appropriate strategic guideline. Strategic guidelines stipulate the following: (a) How to complete a strategic mission. (b) How to realize the strategic goal by identifying key points of struggle. (c) Identification of main Strategic directions. (d) Identification of Strategic deployments. Strategic guidelines are generally composed of five components: (a) Identification of Strategic Opponent. It is based on the threat to national interest and the operational threat is based on the specific military nature of threat. Strategic Direction. It primarily identifies the focal point of struggle and the centre of gravity for use of force to decisively shape the struggle. Basic Points of Preparations for Military Struggle. This refers to the type of struggle e.g. nuclear vs conventional. Basic Methods of Military Struggle. This includes Types of Struggle. Combat Operations vs Deterrence. Types of Strategic Operations. Offense or Defence. Main Operational Forms. Mobile Warfare or Positional Warfare. Types of Operations. Blockade or Ambush. (e) Guiding Thoughts and Principles for use of Military Force. This includes the options of Striking first or second (xianfa zhiren, or houfa zhiren) and Fighting a Protracted Warfare or Quick Decisive War. Strategy manifests in General (zong) or Specific Strategic Guidelines (juti zhanlue fangzhen). The WZC doctrine is a strategic guideline for Local War Under Hi-Tech Conditions (LWUHTC). Strategic Means. Strategic Means spells out ways and methods of using military force to achieve an objective what and how to use including military and non-military means. This can be carried out in basically four ways which include: (a) Actual combat operations in general or local war. (b) Deterrence operations which is the primary method to be used during peace time. (c) Warning operations which include strategic early warning, border defence and internal defence. (d) Combat readiness exercises including force build up, strategic troop transfers, adjustments in deployments, military exercises, weapons tests and war preparation tests. Spheres of Military Strategy. There are three identified spheres of military strategy: (a) Wartime Strategy (zhanzheng shiqi de zhanlue). This refers to periods of time when society as a whole deals with war, such as general war e.g. countering an invasion as the only type of general war China might face. (b) Peacetime Strategy (heping shiqi de zhanlue). This refers to periods when nation is not in a general state of war. Peace should not be confused with absence of future conflict, but LOW LIKELIHOOD of general war. It includes: (i) Deterrence operations. (ii) Crisis managment. Local war. (c) Local War Strategy (jubu zhanzheng de zhanlue). This is a special type of problem that occurs during peacetime. It has been defined as war with limited objectives in a part of an area where limited armed force is used. Traditionally Chinese Strategy has laid much emphasis on the initiative. Hence, the strategy advocated is pro-active vis-Ã  -vis reactive. Successive literatures on strategy have also re-emphasized that the operational or campaign level of operations is the most productive and rewarding for achieving political aims. The strategy adopted must be futuristic and support future national aims or roles. It must factor in economy of options and weigh the cost-benefit evaluation of war i.e. whether to go to war and how best to profitably conclude it. The stated doctrine must also conform to Chinas image and position of assertiveness after century of humiliation. In order to ensure no direct threats to China there is a deliberate effort to gradually move towards capability driven from threat-driven which has been a fallout of emerging international / regional situation. CHARACTERISTICS OF FUTURE WARS Characteristics of Future Conflict. Some of the assessed characteristics of future conflicts are as under:- (a) Future conflicts will be restricted in their scale, means and timing of war. (b) Objectives would be often political / diplomatic rather than military in nature. (c) Conflict processes will be under greater centralized control and political settlement will invariably be the end result. (d) Conflict resolutions will have to be carried out amidst complicated international background. (e) Even though wars would be limited in nature, they would require detailed and prolonged preparation. (f) Pre-emptive strikes would be a major form of action. (g) Costs of wars would be high despite their short duration. (f) Globalization and integration would result in spilling of economically deleterious effects of war. (g) Brief conflicts can best be handled by following the maxim killing the chicken to scare the monkeys. (h) Demonstrative operations would be essential for politically sensitive objectives. (j) A decisive result in conflict resolution will not be essential though welcome. (k) There are going to be political, economic and prestige payoffs resulting from conflicts and hence the need to factor in ways of exercising control over each one of them. (l) Cost-benefit evaluation of wars would be a major input in deciding the end-state decisions of conflicts. (m) Internal perception management of the people will be a major factor in consolidating national efforts. LEVELS OF CONFLICT Levels of Conflict. The levels of conflict assessed to occur in near future are as under:- (a) National Level. A national level conflict would involve national mobilization of resources. It will be characterized by centralized control by the CMC. The objectives and decisions in such a case would be strategic in nature (zhan lue xing). (b) Theatre level. A conflict at theatre level would involve the Military Region (MR) / MRs. The battle area under such circumstances would be called War Zone Front and overall control will be exercised by nominated MR / HQ. (c) Campaign Level (corresponds to own operational level zhanyixing). A campaign level operation would involve Combined Arms Gp Armies (CAGA) or gps of CAGAs (corps equivalents / groups of these). The area of conflict is termed as campaign zone (qu). In peacetime, the area of battle maybe under a Military Region or part of it; in wartime, however, it would be referred to as war zone. The outcome of WZC directly affects realization of national strategic objective. Equivalent weightage is given (employed as appropriate to mission) to all four services. EVOLUTION OF PLA DOCTRINE The PLA Doctrine has evolved over the years commencing from its basic aim to defeat the Nationalist forces to ensuring territorial integrity and subsequently as a tool for diplomacy and external relations. It has transformed itself as under:- Peoples War (Pre 1949 till 1960). The Peoples War doctrine, was the result of lessons learned from the War of Resistance against Japan (1937-1945), and emphasized the preparation of masses of foot soldiers and militia to engage in prolonged guerrilla warfare in Chinas vast interior. This era also marked the looming threat of total, nuclear war and the Chinese capabilities being almost defensive against any strategic nuclear attack. The Chinese strengths basically included space and people and hence basic Strategy involved mobilization of population, trading time for space and final counter-offensive to annihilate the enemy. (b) Peoples War under Modern Conditions (PWUMC). (1960 to 1985) This change in doctrine was a result of the changed perceptions post Sino-Soviet split in 1960. The strategy aimed to develop capability to check aggression forward to gain time for national mobilization and Peoples War. The Chinese strategy during the period was aimed at defeating a Soviet type invasion before it could penetrate deeply into China. It envisaged a forward defense that is near the border, to prevent attack on Chinese cities and industrial facilities, particularly in north and northeast China. Such a defense-in-depth required positional warfare, much closer to the border, in the initial stages of a conflict. This strategy downplayed the peoples war strategy of luring in deep in a protracted war. It also took into account the adaptations in strategy and tactics necessitated by technological advances in weaponry. (c) Limited War (jubu zhanzheng) Under Hi-Tech Conditions (LWUHTC) (Post-1985). This was promulgated after Dengs call for a review of the existing strategy. This came into being due to reduction in the Soviet threat due to Sino- US entente, the demonstration of hi-tech weapon systems employed in the Gulf War I and the post-liberalized growth of Chinese Comprehensive National Power (CNP). The strategy placed reliance on small, effective, hi-tech capable, tri-service integrated troops. It also stressed the need to fight away from borders or exclusive economic zone (EEZ). (d) Limited War under Conditions of Informationization (LWUCI). This f irst found expression in 2004 White Paper. Informationisation was to be treated as a Force Multiplier and it sought to integrate all available platforms or assets. This is also in consonance with development of Chinese infrastructure and capabilities in their efforts to undergo RMA. WZC THE PLAs DOCTRINEÂ  FORÂ  CAMPAIGN IN WARZONES WZC. War Zone Campaign as a doctrine evolved for conducting a limited war under high technological conditions. Future campaigns under the doctrine will be fought by combined arms synergy applied under unified joint command and control HQs. Such a HQ is created in theatre of operations by pooling in resources from Mil Region HQs and offrs from Gen Staff Department. WZC is an intermediate between Combined Arms GA (CAGA) army dominated command and total war where more than one war zones are activated simultaneously. Salient characteristics of the WZC are as under:- (a) The doctrine has been developed by PLA for future wars which are going to be limited wars and conducted in peripheral regions under a joint HQ. (b) It is a joint services campaign and an intermediate between military region and national (CMC) level campaign. (c) WZC is designed for a local / limited campaign but however its outcome determines realization of national objectives. (d) PLA Mil Regions already have AF / Navy on their orbat or under operational control. (e) PLA traditionally has been Mil Region-centric. WZC envisages imposition of another higher HQ to: (i) Coordinate employment of troops of more than one Mil Region. (ii) Act as CMC representatives for employment / control of tactical, strategic and nuclear missiles. As it involves more than one MR, theatre-wide control, coordination and deception is ensured by imposition of this HQ. A recent example is of the Taiwan straits incident when the PLA was engaged in large scale exercises and firing rockets across the Taiwan Strait in 1996 when Gen Kui Fulin from GSD was superimposed on Nanjing MR and Guangzhou MRs and formed the Fujian Front. WZC in the Level of Conflict. WZC is an intermediate between Combined Arms GA (CAGA) army dominated command and total war where more than one war zones are activated simultaneously. In the spectrum of Level of Conflict it is short of a national mobilization but more than CAGA ops. PARTIAL MOB OR TOTAL MOB WZC COMBINED ARMS GP ARMY OPS Salient Features of the Doctrine. The doctrine envisages combined arms and joint service operations. In depth strike. Aim is not to engage enemy at forward positions but in depth through infiltration, forced penetration, air projections and flank intrusions. There is a requirement of professionally and technically qualified person to operate high tech advance equipment. It envisages mastery in outer space. Delegation of command to lower commanders as severe hindrances / loss of command during operations is envisaged. It places great emphasis on C4ISR systems. Interpretation of Terms. Certain important terms used in definition of the doctrine are as under:- (a) Local and Temp Superiority (LATS) Concentration of Force at point of decision. (b) Trans-Regional Sp Ops (TRSO) Flexibility. (c) Gaining Initiative by Striking First (GISF) Initiative, Offensive Action, Pre-emptive Action. (d) Quick Battle, Quick Resolution (QBQR) Simultaneity of ops, Non-Linearity, Tempo (Speed, Momentum). (e) Elite Forces, Sharp Arms (EFSA) Appropriateness, Economy of Effort. Implementation of WZC. The basic aim of WZC is to turn PLA inferiority into superiority by three pronged strategy namely Elite Forces Sharp Arms (EFSA), Gaining Initiative by Striking First (GISF) and Quick Battle, Quick Resolution (QBQR). These are deliberated upon in succeeding paras. Elite Forces Sharp Arms (EFSA) Elite Forces Sharp Arms (EFSA). What justifies EFSA is that limited nature of local war makes it possible to achieve local and temporary superiority through the concentrated use of the EFSA. The use of EFSA can be optimized by their deployment, coordination and command. EFSA Dply Coord Trans Regional Sp Ops (TRSO) Dply per se Comd Deployment. A relatively new concept in this aspect is the Trans Regional Sp Ops (TRSO). Its implication at campaign level and at strategic level is as explained below:- (a) At Campaign Level. Deployment of EFSA must be with the aim to achieve comprehensive strike effects, and for this forces must be carefully selected. The principle also advocates Dispersed deployment of optimal forces to deny enemy window of vulnerability and increase survivability of own forces and to achieve concentration of effects by concentrating destructive effects of these arms and forces which is the basic prerequisite for achieving local and temporary superiority. (b) At Strategic Level. It envisages deployment of the best available forces and arms from other Mil Regions to reinforce war zone where local war may occur. Such a trans regional support operation (TRSO) has many advantages:- (i) It enhances political and diplomatic initiatives. (ii) Avoids sustained force deployment but optimizes readiness in the rear. (iii) RRU/RRFs ensure indirect forward presence by utilizing mobility. (iv) It may also prevent escalation as also enable local and temporary superiority in psychological terms. Coord. Coordination of sub campaigns is a must to achieve synergy of effect w/o inter service friction. It is aimed at permitting service commanders to coordinate and control respective services sub campaigns. As EFSA is associated with technology intensive services [RRF, Special Ops Forces (SOF), Navy, AF, Sec Arty] the relationship between services / branches has to be defined by equality and partnership in a joint services campaign. Hence coordination of joint service campaigns is a crucial issue for successful conduct of WZC. Principles of Coordination of Joint Campaigns. (a) Coordination is centered on whichever service that conducts the sub campaign. It calls for a heightened sense of responsibility and initiative by service commanding officers. (b) An important aspect for coordination is the timing and manner of transition from one phase of the campaign to another for example from electronic to air sub campaign, to sea denial and crossing operations, then to amphibious landing and ground operations. The coordination between various services is also very important during transitions to reduce internal chaos and friendly fire casualty. (c) Coordination in stratagem (e.g. outflanking troop movement to divert enemy forces to secondary fronts) is important to determine whether local and temporary superiority will be achieved on the primary front. (d) A common method of coordination is mutual dispatch of service representatives to coordinate air-land, air-sea or sea land operations. (e) Modes of coordination are strike zone based, target based and timing based. (f) Most important coordination mechanism is establishment of joint force command. Principles of Command. A joint command is established with deputy commanding officers from Air force, Navy and Sec Arty. The joint command formulates joint services operational plans and conducts inter service coordination. Some issues related with command are as under (a) Extent and Timing of Centralised Command. Command must be centralised during planning. However during execution, a decentralized command and service autonomy are desirable. (b) Traditional Mil Region command organs are ground force dominated and hence could be a potential for inter service friction during implementation. (c) Under WZC, a joint command is established using the present Mil Region command as nucleus. (d) The joint command may have higher proportion of command and staff officers from services other than the army as necessitated by the requirement.. 32. Trans Regional Sp Ops (TRSO). (a) This deals with concentration of EFSA at strategic level. (b) It aims at deployment of best forces and arms from other Mil Regions to reinforce the War Zone e.g. Rapid Reaction Forces (RRF), missiles, AF etc. (c) It focuses on development of rapid reaction forces and capabilities in the rear while maintaining a moderate level of forces deployed forward. (d) It contributes to achievement of local and temporary superiority. (e) TRSO stresses on tech based mobility and effectiveness to achieve its aim. (f) Enhances political and diplomatic initiatives by maintaining reduced forces in the fwd areas and de-escalating tensions. Capabilities: RRF. (a) Adaptation and responsiveness are the two key elements of RRF. (b) It is intended for quick reaction to deal with internal security (IS) and local / ltd border conflicts. (c) These forces are maintained at full strength with all terrain and all weather capability including survival training for 48 hours. (d) They have the capability to reach anywhere in any Mil Region within 24 to 48 hours. (e) RRFs of 15 AB Corps can reach anywhere in China within seven days. Gaining Initiative By Striking First (GISF) Gaining Initiative By Striking First (GISF). Increased precision and lethality of high tech weapons causes unprecedented destruction. Under such conditions the side that strikes second may lose momentum and face the prospects of defeat. As also the demarcation between first and second strike will be less relevant and hence by carrying out first strike a local and temporary superiority may be achieved. However, first strike may not lead to temporary initiative if the enemy is well prepared and anticipates the strike. This can be ensured by element of surprise and initiation of the initial battle of the campaign. GISF is hence associated with the beginning of the campaign. Gaining Initiative by Striking First Element of Surprise Initiation and Initial Battle of the Campaign Note: China will not be averse to striking first ? Element of Surprise. There are two key issues while considering Element of Surprise. If adversary is well prepared and anticipates strike, effect is reduced hence the need for element of surprise. There is a requirement of identifying enemy intentions and capabilities and simultaneously concealment of PLA intentions and capability. This can be achieved by concealing the real and demonstrating the false by employing conventional / asymmetric, electronic and civil-military means. (a) Transparency of En Intentions and Capabilities. (i) At the Strat Level. This can be achieved through long term, systematic and institutionalized study and analysis of military target especially with regard to his war fighting doctrine, styles, command, organization and weapon systems. (ii) At the Campaign Preparation Level. This can be achieved by acquiring and affirming intelligence with regard to the enemy by continuously monitor enemy movement, weapons and targets by the use of satellites, surveillance ships, planes, radars, radios and human intelligence. (b) Successful Concealment of PLAs Intentions and Capabilities. Modern technology enables effective surveillance and difficult concealment. Non tech means employed in 1991 Gulf War resulted in successful concealment achieving local and temporary superiority. Also fighting the battle close to Chinas borders would increase success of concealment. Methods of Concealment. Some of the measures which may be employed to confuse the adversary about timing, place, scale, nature and direction of the campaign initiation are:- (a) Create a situation of internal intensity and external relaxation i.e. political and diplomatic means be employed to conceal strategic intentions. (b) Concealing the real (hiding real forces by camouflage). (c) Demonstrate the false (use of dummy planes, ships, tanks, vehicles, artillery pieces and use reserve militia to show false deployment). (d) Blending the real with the false and illusory with the substantial (mixing real and substantial forces with false and illusory ones, meshing forces with civilian facilities). (e) Electronic measures (ECM, deception, ECCM). 37. Initiation and Initial Battle of the Campaign. (a) There is a contradiction between active defence as a central principle of PLA military operations and first strike (GISF in fact becomes a central component of active defence). (b) Window of opportunity for first strike is the period between the failure of political and diplomatic initiatives at the strategic level and completion of enemy deployment between the ens strat choice and his strat probe. (c) The outcome of the first battle would be crucial to determine whether local initiative is seized or not and hence it is necessary to Throw a powerful and superior initial strike force into the initial battle. (d) In order to maintain the advantage created by the initial battle, resolute, active and continuous offensive must be carried out to deny enemy breathing space. Quick Battle Quick Resolution If GISF is the beginning of the campaign, QBQR is the conclusion. QBQR deals with prosecution and conclusion of the campaign. The importance of QBQR arises from the fact that border wars fought for disputed territories will be limited to a confined area and not for total conquest of a country. Hence, there is a need to contain the conflict and achieve final resolution at one stroke. QBQR seeks to avoid prolonging of war as (high tech weapons would also cause extensive damage to own military and civil infrastructure in the event of a prolonged war. As the PLA is deemed inferior in technology, the enemy may regain and counter strike to cause PLA a defeat if war is protracted. QBQR INFO OFFENSIVE OFFENSIVE OPS MOB FIRE POWER AMBUSH SOFT KILL HARD KILL CONTINUOUS DEEP STRIKE VERTICAL STRIKE MOB SURPRISE ATTACK Methods to Achieve QBQR. Mobility and Offensive operations are the two key concepts to achieve QBQR. Mobility. Mobility is a pre-requisite for carrying out continuous and dynamic offensives. Mobile Warfare is dependent on good infrastructure and complex logistics but these leave adequate signature for the enemy to pick up. Whether local information superiority can be achieved will determine whether QBQR can be realized in PLAs favour. Counter reconnaissance is advocated to achieve information superiority (neutralise ens C4I by use of anti svl satl measures, laser and kinetic energy, particle beam wpns and other measures) which also helps in achieving surprise. There is a need to mitigate threats to mobility from air by integrated air defense measures required to defeat over-the-horizon (OTH) beyond-visual-range (BVR) missiles and their launch platforms, smart bombs, stealth tactical aircraft and attack helicopters (AH). Modes of Mobilization. Employing various modes of mobilization may enhance deception or reduce exposure and casualty, thus improving the odds of local and temporary initiatives. These include (a) Exterior Line Mobilization. This involves establishment of one or several inter-connected mob

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Missile Defense System of the United States Essay -- Argumentative

The Missile Defense System of the United States Abstract   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Ronald Reagan was in the Presidency, he and his staff came up with the idea for a missile defense system that would defend the country in the event of a nuclear missile attack. This system was named "Star Wars" and the basic principal behind it was that it would be a shield that covered all fifty states. However, government officials soon realized that Reagan's defense system was impossible to build, so the program was dropped, but the idea to defend the country against a missile attack stuck around. Today, the U. S. Government is trying to build a new, more realistic missile defense system. However, not all the problems have been worked out, and the U. S. Government should not deploy their missile defense system without conducting further tests. Purpose of Missile Defense   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Imagine that one morning there is breaking news that the U. S. Capitol has just been attacked by a missile strike. The information is plastered on every station, and there's pictures showing Washington D. C. Leveled to the ground. All of this just because in the past few years the U. S. Government tried to develop a defense system to quickly, and for that reason they didn't have adequate tests to determine whether or not the system would work. Furthermore, they wouldn't have been attacked had it not been for them trying to develop this system. Every day, this threat is becoming more of a possibility to the United States. Since this could happen, the U. S. Government shouldn't deploy their defense system unless they conduct further, more realistic tests.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The name of the missile program that is being developed to protect the United States is the National Missile Defense. This program... ...ork. MIT Enterprise Technology Review. Retrieved March 14, 2003, from http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/ postol0402.asp Q&A: son of star wars. (2002, December 17). BBC News. Retrieved March 11, 2003, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/696028.stm Reynolds, M. (2002, December 24). Missile plan faces obstacles; Pentagon value in Bush's proposal to deploy the system in three years, but critics say an essential phase of testing would be left out. Los Angeles Times. Main News; Part 1; Page 1. Warren, D. (2001, May 3). Shooting down the criticisms of Bush's shield: common arguments against the U.S. Missile defense plan, and why they'll never work. The Ottawa Citizen. News, p. A17. Wright, D. & Postol, T. (2000, May 11). Missile defense system won't work. Common Dreams News Center. Retrieved March 6, 2003, from http://www.commondreams.org/views/ 051100-101.htm Â