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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Discrimination And Unequal Rights Within Society - 1198 Words

People living in any country fall upon a certain group in society. Depending on what race they are defines what group they fall under. Two groups that ranks race are the minority (subordinate) group and the majority (dominant) group. Subordinate groups are recognized by their lack of opportunities when it comes to education and wealth, as well as control such as voting, positions of authority, and other privileges that are easily obtainable by the dominant group. Five characteristics also distinguish minorities. Prejudice and unequal rights are experienced, seen presently and through history with segregation and slavery that have been acted upon minorities by the majority group. The most noticeable characteristics that minorities share is†¦show more content†¦Extermination coincides with genocide, the systematic extermination of an entire population. The most well-known consequence that minorities faced was the Holocaust, carried out by German Nazi Adolf Hitler, which took t he lives of 12 million Jews. Considered to be inferior and â€Å"alien† the Nazis enacted upon this severe action to rid the country of the Jewish race through ethnic cleansing ( ). This cleansing also mirrors expulsion, a less extreme level of intolerance than extermination, that is used to forcibly drive minorities out of an area by a dominate group. Before the final result of death camps, Jews were driven out of the country through a number of violence and threats. Expulsion, if taken too far, can also lead to genocide. Secession is another consequence that minorities face a host society. This happens when a minority group decides to break away from a former nation to establish a new one or join a pre-existing nation to become a dominant group. The Partition of India in 1974, for example, resulted in the independence in Pakistan which became dominated by Muslims and India, which were dominated by Hindus. Religious differences played a key factor in this secession. The dis agreements which separated Muslims and Hindus were fundamental, creating a basic hostility between Hindus andShow MoreRelatedEssay On Social Injustice1097 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Injustice When will we stop being unjust? Our society today is full of problems and issues. We not only experience economic and politic issues, but we face social problems as well. One main problem that our society must acknowledge is injustice. However, many members of our society are blind not to recognize that permitting unjust and unfair acts is an actual injustice. They believe it’s appropriate to judge others, to make inappropriate comments and to be disrespectful. 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