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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Politics And The Federal Government - 961 Words

The majority of Americans have become apathetic when politics or the federal government are brought up in either the news, inside classrooms, or amongst friends and relatives. Nevertheless, people tend to have an ignorant state of mind towards politics and become so unaware about what the federal government does on a daily basis. Not to mention, Americans refuse to accept that the federal government has people working in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, recognizing and debating their top issues they have back in their districts. Congress issues many bills and legislates a numerous amount of laws that are appropriate for the problems that the American people deal with on a daily basis. Moreover, the ability to improve the Constitution by amending it has helped cooperate with Congress by fulfilling the needs of the American people. In the end, not only were states given rights by the Constitution, with the addition of the Declaration, which gave alienable rights to each American. Thus, American citizens apply to Civil Liberties; specifying how each individual has freedoms that are guaranteed to them, and no higher power has the right to restrain these freedoms. Without a doubt, Civil Liberties are the extreme freedoms the writers of the Constitution feared losing when leaning towards a democracy. This resulted in the Original dilemma, explaining the conflict between freedom and order, which is what the framers of the Constitution dealt with. Order brought fearShow MoreRelatedThe Consequences of an Increasingly Globalized World Essay1330 Words   |  6 Pagesglobalisation has dramatically changed the context in which nation-states operate and, in turn, the central governments’ ability to govern in a truly democratic manner. 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