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The United States Healthcare, Nationa l Security , and the Economy POLS210 Genius f. Tiffany Orcesi APUS May 21, 2017, Presen...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Compare and Contrast the Whiskey Rebellion with Shay’s...

Shays Rebellion was an armed uprising in western Massachusetts that run from 1786 to 1787. The rebels, led by Daniel Shays were small farmers angered by debilitating debt and taxes and failure to repay such debts often resulted in imprisonment in prisons. This was viewed by many as unjust, unfair and primarily favoring those with money. The levying of the taxes was orchestrated so as to put money back to the coffers after the American revolution. Those adversely affected were small scale subsistence farmers and because of this, many found it extremely difficult to feed and cloth their families. There was also the issue of the tax system. The tax system at this time was regressive in that much of the Eastern state economies lay in the†¦show more content†¦The military suppression of the Whisky Rebellion told citizens who wished to change the law that they had to do so peacefully through constitutional means; otherwise, the government would meet any threats to disturb the pe ace with force. The suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion also had the unintended consequences of encouraging small whiskey producers and other settlers to relocate to the then-frontier lands of Kentucky and Tennessee, which were outside the sphere of Federal control for many years. In these frontier areas, they also found good corn-growing country and smooth, limestone-filtered water to make their whiskey. Both Shay and the Whiskey rebellion arose from agrarian foundations, that is subsistence farmers complaining about the excruciating taxes, when it come to the Whiskey Rebellion, the U.S. government withstood a formidable challenge to its sovereignty. Preceded by Shayss Rebellion in 1786, and followed by Friess Rebellion in 1799, the Whiskey Rebellion is distinguished by its size. While all three rebellions were motivated by their opposition to burdensome taxes, neither Daniel Shays nor John Fries ever gathered more than a few hundred supporters at any one time. On at least one occ asion, as many as 15,000 men and women marched on Pittsburgh in armed opposition to the federal excise tax onShow MoreRelatedHistory 13015-82262 Words   |  10 PagesResolves argued for states rights. For which specific right did the Resolves argue? (pg 166) The First Amendment (Speech amp; Press) Among the causes of the War of 1812 was the ___ desire of Westerners to expand into Canada and Florida. Compare and contrast the ideas of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton as they relate to: (a) The size and power of the national government; (b) Preservation of a rural/farming economy and lifestyle; (c) Commitment to an urban/commercially driven economy (pgRead MoreAmerican Revolution and Study Guide Essay example5377 Words   |  22 PagesIndians. What specific developments illustrate that the English living in the plantation colonies tried to apply these lessons? (25 pts) 2. Compare and contrast the ways in which tobacco and sugar affected the social and economic development of colonial America (10pts) Chapter 3 Study Guide â€Å"Settling the Northern Colonies† 1. Compare and contrast the motives of the their founders, religious and social orientation, economic pursuits, and political developments of TWO of the early colonial

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