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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Stock market competition Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Stock market competition - Assignment Example Only common stocks of operating companies are included in the index. This means limited partnerships, preferred shares, and exchangeable shares are excluded (Martin, 2009). From early February 2015, the S&P/TSX Composite Index has been experiencing a decline in growth. This is an indication that the market activities of securities listed on the Toronto Stocks Exchange have not been performing satisfactorily (Adu & Tsiyon, 1982). On Tuesday, 10th Match 2015, the Toronto Stocks market dropped further by an S&P/TSX composite index of 130.2 points to a value of 15,133.85 nearly across every major sector. Despite the decline in Toronto Stock Market activity, the Canadian economy has been experiencing growth at a yearly trend of 2.4 percent as revealed in the fourth quarter report for the year 2014. This was a higher figure than that forecasted by Thomson Reuters of 2 percent growth (Jeddi, 2005). This paper is a report of the six weeks’ simulation trading activities of the group. The trading activities started on 2nd February 2015 and ended on 13th March 2015. In order to give a detailed report, this paper considers the securities selected for trading, brief company synopsis, charts and technical analysis. The paper presents the investment strategy employed by the group and how the plan evolved and changed over the six weeks trading period. A critique of the employed strategy is also explained, and the lessons learned about speculative stock trading. The paper also gives a valuation of the portfolio’s performance indicating the dollar gain/loss and the percentage gain/loss. The group’s portfolio mainly focused on three primary sectors of the economy. The sectors include manufacturing, Information technology, and the financial sector. During the six weeks trading period, the group invested in ten publicly listed companies in the Toronto Stocks Exchange and New York Stocks Exchange. The ten

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