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Monday, September 30, 2019

Donald Trump Essay

Trump's early years are a major part of what has made him successful in the past and in the present Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in the city of Queens, New York into the family of Frederick C. And Mary McLeod Drum p. His father, Frederick C. Trump was a realest developer and builder. He owned multiple middle income apartment buildings in Queens. Dona's mom was a plinth rapist, working with different charities. Donald Trump was an energetic and assertive e child and according to the site Biography. Com â€Å"His parents sent him to the New York MilitaryAcademy, hoping the discipline would help channel his energy in a positive m inner. † Trump was very successful in the academy, in both social and academic aspect TTS. In Biography. Com it continues to states that â€Å"Trump did well academically and socially, rising to be star athlete and student leader by the time he graduated in 1964 Trump's efforts and work in the business world have made him the extremely we althy man he is today. He is currently worth currently is 4$ Billion, and owns multiple realest properties.He also owns many hotels, restaurants, c salons, ND even various golf courses in the United states as well as internationally. T rump also hosts the reality Television show ‘The Celebrity Apprentice†. These properties, realest investments and his successful TV show would not have been poss. able if it were not for his hard work during his younger years in business. His massive f retune and wealth were acquired through hard work, connections, as well as his exec Lent knowledge Of the business world. Trump began his career working in the fame business, the Trump organization, which built and operated apartment build nags.Trump later moved to Manhattan, where he began expanding his business career be cause he became convinced of the economic opportunity there. Trump involved himself fin various building projects and opportunities in the city that would earn him high pr ofit s and recognition. Trump's personality and attitude are some of the defining factors that make him a very notable businessman, entrepreneur, and celebrity today. Trump's charisma and charm have helped him in his career as well. His charisma and personality as well as knowledge and communication skills are key to his such as.Donald Trump's interpersonal abilities are key to making connections in the b equines world and to achieve personal success. His ability to combine business knoll edge and Mr. Frangible great communication skills would seem to be one of the main factors that were e beneficial in becoming the successful businessman that he is. Trump's wealth, knowledge, and personality are a part of his major success. His wealth and success will leave behind a legacy and is an example of the economic opportunity in the United States.He would continually â€Å"set high tankards of excellence while expanding his interests in real estate, sports an d entertainment† Biogra phy-asp). Donald J. Trump has been a success in his personal life as well as in his professional and busing sees life. His entrepreneurial skills and his savvy knowledge and assertive skills put him In a successful pathway leaving a legacy and example of the economic opportunity y in the United States.

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